Newton Valence Parish Council

Local government at parish level is undertaken by the Parish Council. The Council is comprised of five elected councillors who meet five times a year. Meeting dates are advertised on the village website and village noticeboard, and are open to the public. There is also an annual meeting when the accounts and Chairman’s report are formally presented.  Minutes of the meetings are published on the village website and emailed to villagers via a circulation list.


Parish Councils have a range of powers but very few duties. Some of the key areas of work undertaken by NVPC include: reviewing and commenting on local planning applications, managing the income from the Parish precept, liaising with Highways over repairs to the roads, monitoring the state of local footpath and bridleway networks and arranging for remedial work where necessary.

Our village Plan is available to view and print  at  Newton Valence Village Plan - South Downs National Park Authority

Contact numbers:

Gill Pendlebury (Chair) Emergency Contact Tel 01420 588664

Julian Balaam (Treasurer) Tel 01420 513660

Bob Fewings (Planning) Tel 07714 287139

Ele Thomas – Footpaths & Rights of Way  Tel 07919 184230 

Rat Advice

The Parish Council (PC) has received some reports of rat infestations within the village and whilst control of pests is a landowner, rather than PC, responsibility, there are a few tips that can be followed to help to control them.
It is impossible to eradicate rats completely from a countryside location such as Newton Valence and the increasingly warm winters that we are having are providing the conditions for these highly successful rodent populations to increase still further. We can, however, all take steps to control the spread and the overall number of rats on our properties by taking a few actions, coordinating with neighbours and, where necessary, calling expert help.

To alleviate the spread of rats, some obvious advice is to:
- Seal up any entry points to the home – rats can collapse their ribcages and need only about a 15mm gap to squeeze   through
- Always dispose of food waste correctly
- Ensure bins are always closed and not overflowing
- Do not overfeed birds via tables etc. and clean up any seeds that fall to the ground
- Keep outdoor areas clean and free from food debris as well as places in which the rats can nest
- If keeping food outdoors for any domestic animals: dogs, cats, poultry, horses etc. then store in metal containers as rats can eat through plastic ones
- Use outdoor feeders and water dispensers with rodent proof access
- Keep drains and covers in good condition and repair when necessary

If you want to take direct action to control the rats on your property, rat traps and bait/poison may be acquired from numerous local sources but the PC recommends Farm & Country Supplies on the Selborne Road who will be glad to provide advice and assistance.
If infestations are crossing the boundary between neighbouring properties, it is worth coordinating the attempts to control them by agreeing with neighbours on the timing and type of any poison that is to be set. Varying the type of poison used is another important decision because rats can become immune if the same bait is used for a long period of time.
Be aware that dogs, in particular, are very susceptible to poisoning by rodenticides so poison should be used with caution and poisoned rats should be disposed of properly so that they do not enter the food chain of other wild animal and bird life.

Should you wish to bring in a specialist pest control company, the PC has heard several recommendations of Woodside Pest Control Services in Petersfield (01730-828182). 

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Newton Valence Parish Footpaths & Rights of Way

For those either living or visiting Newton Valence, to view The Rights of Way Definitive Map for Newton Valence Parish, you can access the Hampshire County Council’s online definitive map:  


Search for location and click on the red marker on the map and in the Identify Results scroll down the list till they find the Definitive Map Sheets entry and click on the Web Link: Definitive Rights of Way Map. This will open the Definitive Rights of Way Map in a new browser window.


Village Plan – November 2015

The Village Plan is based on the views of residents which were obtained through a detailed questionnaire and a series of meetings and presentations. The Plan reflects national and local policy and has been shared with key external stakeholders including the District and County Councils, and South Downs National Park Authority. It seeks to accurately reflect the views of the community, highlighting what is valued today and a vision for the future.   A copy of the Plan will be given to all new residents.


A Short History of Newton and Valence - Tim Denehy

A history of the village written by a local resident. 

Copies of these documents are available from the Parish Council at a small charge.

Contact Parish Council

Forthcoming Events

Parish Council Meetings 2024
All meetings start at 7pm unless stated otherwise

Wednesday 6 November 2024             


Parish Council Minutes 2023/24

Parish Council AGM Minutes 2024

Parish Council Annual Accounts 2023/24

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2024

NVPC Diversity Policy

NVPC Code of Conduct

NVPC Equal Opportunities Policy

NVPC Safeguarding Policy Updated September 2022

NVPC Constitution 2023