Hampshire County Council has designated Hullam Lane a Road Verge of
Ecological Importance ( RVEI) Both big and little ponds have been designated
Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)
More information is available on the HCC website
The village is in the fortunate position of having access to two areas of protected habitat within the Parish boundaries. Selborne Common is famous for its links with Gilbert White, author of ‘The Natural History of Selborne’ which contains many references to the wildlife on the Common.
The Common is managed by the National Trust and Noar Hill by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust ( HIWWT ) and Rotherfield Park Estate . Both locations have an extensive network of footpaths and bridleways and contain a range of valuable habitats including the chalk downland at Noar Hill, and the wooded hangers of Selborne Common.
The NT Rangers are busy clearing fallen trees along the Pipeline on Selborne Common from late July. The work will continue through August. Merv (pictured on the left) is new to our local NT team and stands alongside Ranger, Jim. Access to the Pipeline for walkers remains open whilst work is in progress.
Nature conservation work in and around Newton Valence. Please visit The Selborne Landscape Partnership.
Our community House Sparrow Project has successfully completed its most important first phase. Fifty custom made House Sparrow boxes have now been installed in the village and there are plans for more when the colonies expand. These boxes will be monitored to gather vital new evidence about the House Sparrow life cycle and colony behaviour. Hardly any scientific research as been conducted on this red listed species and so our small project could have a global impact on endangered House Sparrows.
Many thanks to Francis, Beth and Stephen for all their hard work. We would like to thank the charity Birds on the Brink and our County Councillor Mark Kemp-Gee for funding this project. We would like to thank the all villagers for your support and encouragement.
There are regular updates on our Facebook Page.' House Sparrows of Newton Valence' which already has some significant followers.
Newton Valence Pond Committee and Toad Patrol joined forces earlier this year (2022) to plant oxygenating plants in and around the pond to improve water quality and toad habitat. The initiative was funded by the South Downs National Park Sustainable Communities Fund, and the final marginal plant was ceremonially dug in by South Downs National Park Ranger, Laura Tong.
Celebratory tea and cakes were enjoyed by representatives from the Pond Committee, Parish Council, SDNP, EHDC , village supporters and volunteers.
Grateful thanks are owed to EHDC Councillor, Charles Louisson and HCC Councillor, Mark Kemp- Gee, for their support in this venture.
The toadlets are emerging from the pond and all over the road. They are so tiny they are almost impossible to see.
The Pond
Committee cares for the village pond and its surroundings, which date back to
at least Saxon times. It is a naturally occurring dew pond, historically used
for watering cattle, and was known as the Great Mere.
It provides
a valuable habitat to many forms of wildlife, including dragonflies, amphibians
and waterfowl, and its tranquillity is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.
Pond maintenance, such as mowing the grass margins, is carried out throughout the year and an annual ‘Pond Clearing’ event is held in November each year when volunteers come together to help clear any excess pond weed and other plants around the edge of the pond to ensure its biodiversity is maintained.
David Long 01420 588505
Julian Balaam 01420 513660
Alexander Kitchin 01420 587303
If you have any questions about articles on this page (except Rights of Way , please use the Parish Council page for footpath queries) complete the form and we will respond as soon as we can
© Newton Valence Parish Council